Day 236 – Tuesday 20th December

Before I forget………….something I missed out of yesterday’s blog.

If you read yesterday’s entry, you will know kp was very down. She said something that made me very sad. It was at the height of the aches and pains and I TOTALLY understand where she was coming from………..

kp:- I am really fed up, David. …………. Why do I bother ?

Now, she meant “why does she bother putting in all the effort that she does” when all she ever gets is aches and pains. I think the whole “rehabilitation” thing is taking its toll.

Why did it make me sad, well, I think part of her is feeling “this life is no fun anymore.” ?!

So, today………I am pleased to report, kp is feeling better in herself. As soon as she woke up, we did her exercises which really help loosen up her shoulder. The OT’s arrived to help kp get showered and spread on their tips. The usual OT was off sick, so the student OT came with a new lady who was very nice. The student OT is lovely too and VERY kindly came with a gadget that enables kp to dry her hair without using a hairdryer. This is VERY useful because at the moment, someone else has to hold the hairdryer while kp styles or vice-versa. It’s the student’s very own gadget and we have it on trial to see if it helps kp.

Physically, kp felt better as well this morning — Much less stiff ! :-) So, we will definately keep up the physio’s suggestions.

Whilst I was out walking the dogs, Marie arrived. She is staying the night. The girls had an 11.30am hair appointment. kp opted for yet another style and colour.

Marie also changed colour.

And shortly after returning home, kp went to bed to rest (not sleep). The aches are starting to kick in, but only in the legs today, which is an improvement of sorts.

2 Responses to “Day 236 – Tuesday 20th December”

  1. vdfromboro says:

    Hi ya Karen,
    I hope today is as good, if not better than yesterday.
    Your text about Catherine’s dog being pregnant made me laugh. Jane was convinced of it some time ago, I bet she had a few choice words for Catherine. I wonder what they’ll do with the pups.

    What a day yesterday. I took Laura Christmas shopping. I can’t believe she puts so much effort into looking a mess. Trinny and Suzanna would not be able to keep up with her on a shopping trip. It took 4 HOURS to buy a top!! I failed to get her anywhere near to a girls department, it was straight to the boys. I was basically a walking clothes horse for the day, carrying to and fro to the changing rooms. In one shop I got the required tag from the shop assistant in the changing rooms and proceeded to the female rooms. At which point the assitant said to me, “its ok you can take him into the mens”. So I threw her a look and “he’s a she OK!” Laura finds it amusing, I told her it won’t be so amuzing when she gets tits and a bum.
    From shopping it was straight to Irene’s for a family pre christmas meal.

    I did the shhhhhh finger exercise which I saw on the blog. I tell you what its a great tip, made me realise how bad my posture is.

    So take care Karen, just think when you came home, all the help you needed then, which you don’t now. It was great to see you getting up and about on your own, picking things up from the floor etc, etc, so please don’t think its not worth it. From what I see it is. I know we take these things for granted and for you its a frustrating struggle, but your physio and David are doing a great job in supporting you. So keep at and feel good and proud of yourself while you are doing all the exercises.
    Take care will speak soon
    Lots of love

  2. vdfromboro says:


    I thought the new colour for you and Marie looked great.

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