Day 582 – 588 – Monday 4th to 10th Dec 2006

Not a good week.

We went to the RVI on Tuesday to have another bash with the contact lens. We stayed around for 30 minutes afterwards to make sure there were no issues, which there weren’t. The evening generally went ok, but towards the end of the evening, it was starting to irritate kp. She had been told to sleep with it in, and kp was keen to try as hard as she could to keep it in. At 4am, her eye was red, but she went back to sleep eager to keep it in. At 6am, it was too much and we took it out. Here is a picture of her eye (not a good picture sorry)…


With the awful weekend last week, I was straight on the phone to the Neuropsychologist lady. She came out on Wednesday. She started by scoring how low Karen felt on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being suicidal, 10 being top banana). Karen was a 2. :-(

She was asked if she had considered ending it all, to which kp answered she had thought about taking an overdose of tablets, but more on the lines of “what would it be like ?” rather than “when she would do it”.

This lady has an incredible ability to turn kp’s mood around. She didn’t quite pull it off today (no fault on her), but left kp on a 4.

We returned to the RVI on Wednesday to get kp’s eye examined and they could only put it down to an allergic reaction to the lens. kp is desperate to get her eyes sorted and she got this across well to the opthamologist lady who suggested they try a lens made out of a different material. Sounds good ! So, we will be back in due course to try this all over again. My work are being great about all the time off now so no worries from that score.

kp is such a trooper – I am so proud of her !

One of the things left over from the neuropsychologists visit was that kp needs to occupy her time more. She enjoys being on her own, but it’s obviously no good for her. Unfortunately, this week has seen our internet connection go down and according to TalkTalk (spits) it won’t be fixed for 5-7 days !!!! You don’t half miss it when it’s gone ! I have had to do this blog at work !

But kp really enjoys emailing friends etc, so that’s a big loss ! The other thing we have done to keep kp occupied is to get Sky switched back on. We had gone to Freesky (no monthly subscription) to save some pennies, but I think keeping kp occupied is more important, so I ordered the full Sky Package (minus Sports (sorry Dad)). We also bought a new TV, an XBOX360 and a Sky HD box. I am sure 2 of these 3 will keep kp amused no end !! ;-)

We were both gagging for the weekend by the time it came. I had had an awful week at work, kp was keen to spend some time with me, so we were glad when it arrived. Unfortunately we both got some bug and were coughing, sniffing, sore throating and sleeping most of the weekend. :-(   With the internet being down, we couldn’t do our normal Tesco Online shop and so had to go shopping the old fashioned way. With me taking numerous calls from work, the whole thing took 3 hours, as I had to keep going to the car to take the calls (I couldn’t concentrate). Nightmare. We were well relieved to get home.
We both still feel a bit worse for wear but have got over the worst of it. kp accuses me of having “man flu”, which is her way of saying I make a mountain out of a molehill ! Oh, how we laughed !

She has a fairly busy week this week, so I think things will improve. On Wednesday, I have got the call up to give blood, which as well as getting me out of a company customer night out, allows kp to come with me and see all her chums. So all good !

Adele is coming up on Tuesday (I think), and thursday/friday sees Marge Baggot (that is her real name) coming to stay for a night or two. No doubt we will be 5 Shepherds Pies and 5 Lasagnes better off by the time she leaves.

Not a good week, but the only way is up, ……….. baby.

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